When last I blogged (ca 2015), I was pondering all things old that were happening, whilst plowing through what would end up being 3 more years of mission-driven work. And then……I retired- sorta-kinda. I spent a boatload of time planning when to exit the nonprofit agency that I had founded in 1992, and built over […]
As I am reviewing material in my personal archives, I will be sharing selected items that somehow illuminate portions of my life experiences. This one is at once amazing and dreadful. The background: after founding a nonprofit agency in 1992, we made a decision in 1999 to add a subsidiary for-profit to handle all of […]
July 10, 2016 It’s a pedestrian analogy – comparing the process of aging or maturing to turning the pages of a book – but I’m going to use it anyway. Over my 65+ years, I haven’t taken much time out to contemplate where I’ve been, where I’m going, or where I’ll end up until […]
Late January, 2016 Some years back, I remember visiting my parents in Arizona–long before I realized that someday those things that only happen to old people would happen to me.At some point, after dinner, there was conversation among the “old folks”, that– dare I say–had to be tolerated by younger people, and that had much […]
Will you still need me, will you still feed me when I’m sixty (4,5,6,7)? I really don’t want to write about turning 65, and all the hoopla that sometimes attends it. The physical stuff (you know, hair, peeing, ED, and all); the emotional stuff (O, God, I’m old); and the bucket list stuff (I really […]
Enjoy some recently-shot drone video of my hometown, Mt. Morris, Illinois. One is aerial view of the former Kable Printing Plant on Sunset Lane, which has been partially demolished as part of a repurposing plan. The other is of “main street” (Wesley Ave.) and the campus of the former Mt. Morris College with views both […]
If you want to read more of my personal blog posts, visit humpy3rd.blogspot.com